Properties at Bloomsburg – Value & Select

Your best fit depends on what your priorities are. That’s why we offer two different kinds of properties: Value and Select.

B&L Value Properties Save You Real Money

We don’t say this lightly – these are the most value-packed properties you will find at this price in Bloomsburg – $1,995/student

What’s the catch? It’s simple – they are not right across the street from campus. That’s it. But that means you can get your own bathroom, free parking (at some locations), and depending on location, you could be right near our exclusive gym & tanning facilities.

All for less money. You can’t beat that. Feeling frugal? Our Value properties are for you >

B&L Select Properties Put You Right at Campus

Hey – we get it. Sometimes, convenience is top of your list. That’s why we provide choices. Our Select properties are set close-in, so you can practically roll right out of bed and into class. Explore our Select properties >

Whichever way you want it, Value or Select, we’ve got you covered.

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